Level 7 to 10

Categories – F (financial), E (economics), D (digital)

Item: Economy and Society in SOSE
Categories: F, E, D
Website: www.macmillan.com.au
Type: Student (text) material

Item: Econobites
Category: E
Website: www.etawa.asn.au/econobite
Type: Student material ¨ ‘bite sized’ items that you can use with your students. The emphasis is on applications of Economics to current situations or events that are relevant to the syllabus content for a particular year.

Item: Resources
Categories: F, E, D
Website: www.etawa.asn.au/resources
Type: Comment on resources available in WA

Item: “What is Economics” video
Category: E
Website: www.rba.gov.au/education
Type:   Video plus other resources that can be analysed and altered for younger student

Item: Crash course – Economics
Category: E
Website: www.thecrashcourse.com/courses/economics
Type: Video – select the topic you wish to show a Youtube video from the series

Item: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Category: E
Website:  www.abs.gov.au
Type: Range of economic statistics; choose for particular year level and purpose

Item: Oxfam Education
Category: E
Website:  www.oxfam.org.au
Type: Select from a wide range of resources; able to apply filters to sort

Item: Gapminder
Category: E
Website:  www.gapminder.org
Type: Free teaching material developed to dismantle misconceptions and promote a fact-based worldview. Data visualization tools (photos, slides, videos, statistical tables) to let people explore the vast treasure of global statistics. Examples are demographics, comparative living standards

Item: ASICs money Smart
Category: F, D
Website:  www.moneysmart.gov.au
Type: An extensive range of resources promoting consumer and financial literacy –  units of work, digital activities, indigenous focus resources, teaching program videos, financial health for teachers, kids and money, raising moneysmart kids (for parents) and a moneysmart teaching implementation guide.  The website is organises into managing your money, borrowing and credit, insurance, superannuation and retirement, investing, scams, teaching, calculators and resources. There is also a YouTube channel MoneySmartAU.

Item: Cool Australia
Category: E, D
Website: www.coolaustralia.org
Type: A range of curriculum materials for teachers searchable by topic, year level, subject and keywords and a digital library for students containing video clips, documentaries, images, articles, stories and news for each topic in the library. Required to register to download materials.

Item: In charge: Financial literacy for high school students
Category/ies: F
Year level/s: 7-10
Website: www.incharge.org/financial-literacy/resoiurces-for-teachers/high-school/
Type: free teachers guide of 14 lesson plans and worksheets

Item name: Online safety
Category/ies: D
Year level/s: 7-10
Website: https://esafety.gv.au
Type: e-safety Commissioner resources for schools on on-line safety

Item name: VISA’s practical money skills for life (Australia)
Category/ies: F
Year level/s: 7-10
Website: www.practicalmoneyskills.com.au
Type: This website is designed to help people of all ages learn the essentials of personal finance. Teachers can access free educational resources, including personal finance articles, games and lesson plans.(download for no charge)

Item name:  The Barefoot Investor
Category/ies: F
Year level/s: 7-10
Website: www.barefootinvestor.com.au
Type: Subscribe to Scott’s weekly newsletter – see articles in his blog section. Become financially literate.

Item name: Next Gen Personal Finance
Category/ies: F
Year level/s: 7-10
Website: www.ngpf.org
Type: Not Australian, however some resources are adaptable. Website contains financial units (eg saving, credit,budgeting) units, courses, a teacher toolkit, a section on resources, an interactive library of games, quizzes, graphs and data – all sorted by topic.

Item name: The need for financial planning – brief list of sources of information
Category/ies: F
Year level/s: 7-10
Website: www.brightday.com.au
Type: Website material relating to the item name the need for financial planning

Item name: What is wealth – brief list of sources of information
Category/ies: F
Year level/s: 7-10
Website: Article
Type: website material relating to the item name “what is wealth?” (video and quiz)

Item name: Compounding returns – brief list of sources of information
Category/ies: F
Year level/s: 7-10
Website: https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/managing-your-money/saving/compound-interest and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf91rEGw88Q
Type: Website material relating to the item name “compounding returns” (information and video)

Item name: What type of spender are you – brief list of sources of information
Category/ies: F
Year level/s: 7-10
Website: http://themint.org/kids/what-kind-of-spender-are-you.html
Type: Website material relating to the item name “what type of spender are you?” (quiz)

Item name: Using your decision-making skills
Category/ies: F
Year level/s: 7-10
Website: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-your-facebook-account-can-slowly-destroy-your-finances-2016-09-12 and https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a1/4f/b4/a14fb4c190cf115eebd09f0baf417f9a.jpg
Type: Website material relating to the item name “using your decision-making skills” (article and cartoon).

Item: Economy and Society in SOSE
Categories: F, E, D
Website: www.macmillan.com.au
Type: Student (text) material

Item name: Budgeting
Category: F
Website: https://www.keymoneyconcepts.com.au/budgeting/ and https://quizlet.com/241992715/budgeting-flash-cards/
Type: Website material relating to the item name “budgeting” (videos explaining concepts and quizlet – flash cards to learn, then review, then test)

Item name: Saving
Category: F
Website: https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/managing-your-money/budgeting/simple-ways-to-save-money or https://www.thebalance.com/ways-to-save-money-this-year-2386116 or www.simplesavings.com.au
Type: Website material relating to the item name “saving” (information on ways to save and on which items)

Item: The difference between savings and investing
Category: F
Website:  Watch Youtube Video
Type:  Website material relating to the item name “the difference between savings and investing” (Youtube).

Item: Investment options
Category: F
Website: www.huffingtonpost.com.au
Type:  Website material relating to the item name “investment options” (article).

Item: Bank accounts
Category: F
Website:  https://moneysmart.gov.au/ and http://www.canstar.com.au/savings-accounts/
Type: Website material relating to the item name “bank accounts” (information)

Item: Shares
Category: F
Website:  www.asx.com.au
Type:  Website material relating to the item name “shares” (search ASX for what you need)

Item: Superannuation
Category: F
Website:  https://www.taxsuperandyou.gov.au/course-categories/super or https://www.superannuation.asn.au/resources/retirement-standard or https://taxandsupernewsroom.com.au/much-need-put-aside-retirement/
Type: Website material relating to the item name “superannuation”(curriculum study material, resources, information)

Item: Risk and Return
Category: F
Website:  www.investors.asn.au , www.bridges.com.au , www.2020directinvest.com.au , www.investors.asn.au , www.moneysmart.gov.au , www.canstar.com.au , www.moneysolutions.com.au , secure.bt.com.au , www.hesta.com.au
Type:  Website material relating to the item name “risk and return” (range of resources, calculators, examples)

Item: Shares
Category: F
Website:  www.asx.com.au
Type:  Website material relating to the item name “shares” (search ASX for what you need)

Item: Cost of investing
Category: F
Website:  https://investor.vanguard.com/investing/how-to-invest/impact-of-costs
Type:  Website material relating to the item name “cost of investing” (information)

Item: The investment clock
Category: F
Website:  http://www.boursecommunications.com.au/the-investment-clock/
Type: Website material relating to the item name “the investment clock” (investment clock and information)

Item: Scams
Categories: F, D
Website:  https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/scams https://www.scamwatch.gov.au/types-of-scams , https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/media/409414/protect-yourself-from-scams.pdf
Type: Website material relating to the item name “scams” (extensive information, explanation, illustration)

Item: NSW Fair Trading
Category: F
Website:  www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au
Type: Website – Information for youth about rights in various areas

Item: Bullseye Economics poster
Category: E
Website:  https://myfuture.edu.au/
Type: Posters showing occupations relating to the learning area of economics

Item: Optus Digital thumprint
Category: D
Website: https://www.digitalthumbprint.com.au/
Type: Cybersafety website. Optus digital thumbprint teaches young people to be safe, responsible and positive online through free curriculum-aligned workshops that are fun and interactive.  Scroll down to the ‘resources’ section for teacher lessons plans, activities and more.

Item: Behind the news
Categories: E, F, D
Website: https://www.abc.net.au/btn/
Type: Website – Teachers need to examine the website extensively to find economics and business items but once located the resources are excellent- for example finance/money

Item: Key money concepts
Category: F
Website:  www.keymoneyconcepts.com.au
Type: Website offering free finance resources..  Key Money Concepts is a resource devoted to helping Australians become efficient in managing money. Iy offers an essential toolkit for developing long-term wealth, both online and offline, with plenty of free content available for the everyday people to take that first step towards getting on top of their finances.  Go to “Learning?” for free resources related to Year 7-10 curriculum – eg banking, budgets, economy

Item: ATO Education Zone
Category: F
Website: https://www.ato.gov.au/General/Education-zone/
Type: Website offering a range of resources to help teach tax and superannuation.  “Tax, Syuper and You” is a free on-line teaching package.  The ATO also offer free in-school presentations or interactive webinar.

Item: Kidsnews
Categories: F, D
Website:  https://www.kidsnews.com.au/
Type: Website offering a free news-based literacy tool for classrooms.  Topics include ‘money’.  Includes learning activities.

Item: TES Resources
Categories: F, E, D
Website: www.tes.com
Type: Website – British based education site.  The best aspect is the F-12 resources offered on any imaginable teaching topic.  Most require fee payment but there are many excellent free resources also available to download. For example search “economics” for a useful slide presentation for introductory economics, powerpoints for year 9 economics and business. “foundation of economics” and an introductory economics powerpoint.  Search “business” and find a free Personal Finance game and resources for 13+ age-group.

Item: The Pearl Exchange Game
Category: E
Website:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yd-jCFDhGQ or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH06hccMpJQ (Full 1 hour activity) or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsePWJpJSSY (Simulation)
omic statistics; choose for particular year level and purpose
Type: Youtube that explains and demonstrates the game  “The Pearl Exchange” demand and supply activity that teachers equilibrium, shortage, surplus, and shifts in demand and supply. The first video explains the game, the second shows the full game in operation and the third is a simulation.

Item: Tools for making Infographics, diagrams and cartoons (see below)
Category: D
Website: Canva – https://www.canva.com , Venngage – https://venngage.com/ , Snappa  https://snappa.com/create/infographics , Piktochart   https://piktochart.com/formats/infographics/ , Diagram Editor – create and edit diagrams easily https://www.diagrameditor.com/ , Cartoon maker  https://www.toonytool.com/
Type: Websites

Item: Quiz and game generators
Category: D
Website: KahootPlickersQuizletQuizizzFlippity, Classtools, Game storming
Type: Websites

Item: Buy Smart competition
Category: F, D
Website:  https://www.qld.gov.au/law/fair-trading/buy-smart-competition
Type: Competition is only for Queensland students but teacher resources are available for all (from the Home page scroll down to the Buy smart teacher resources section for access to the teacher kit, Australian Curriculum alignment, lessons, activities, videos, etc)

Item: My Money Coach
Category: E
Website: www.mymoneycoach.ca
Type: Canadian website providing information, advice and resources on saving money,  budgeting and clearing debt.

Item: Economic forecasts
Category: E
Website:  https://www.focus-economics.com/
Type: Website. Provides economic analysis and forecasts for various countries including Australia.

Item: Using pop colture to explain economics
Category: E
Website: https://criticalcommons.org/
Type: Website.  Extracts from movies and TV programs to help facilitate engagement on economics – eg Jurassic Park, Big Bang Theory, The Office, Star Wars

Item: The Big Issue – Inequality – homelessness
Category: E
Website: www.thebigissue.org.au
Type: Website.  See workshop and E Classroom on ‘homelessness’

Item: Secret Millionaires Club
Category: F
Website: http://www.smckids.com
Type: Game. The program teaches the basics of good financial decision making and some of the basic lessons of starting a business. The animated series has 26 online short webisodes.

Item: Gen i Revolution game
Category: F
Website: https://www.councilforeconed.org/resources/gen-i-revolution/
Type: Game. A free, online personal finance game for high school students that can be played online, on a tablet device, and via Facebook. Students assume the role of a secret agent assigned to solve a variety of financial problems—in the form of 15 missions—and defeat the “Murktide” of financial confusion that is spreading across the country.

Item: Free Financial literacy lesson plans
Category: E
Website: www.incharge.org
Type: Website.  Provides 14 free financial literacy workbooks and lesson plans.  Lesson plans are in PPT and PDF format. American material but can be adapted.

Item: Educational Comics
Category: F, E
Website: http://practicalmoneyskills.com/resources/comics
Type: Website where can download 2 educational comics which teach young people about personal finance (Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers).  The wider web site provides sections for learning about financial topics, material for teachers financial literacy games and a lot of resources.

Item: My five cents (ABC)
Category: F, E
Website: http://education.abc.net.au/home#!/search/my%20five%20cents/economics%20and%20business
Type: Website.  ABC brings you free educational resources – thousands of videos, games and programs.  Search by year level, learning area.  Searching “My five cents” in Economics and Business results in videos on finance and economics, for example.

Item: Econedlink
Category: E, F
Website: www.econedlink.org
Type: Website.  Contains a significant amount of free resources  in economics and also financial literacy for all year levels.  Publications are not free. A sign up is required for newsletter.  From America but highly adaptable materials.

Item: Money Management through games
Category: F
Website: www.senseanddollars.thinkport.org
Type: Games – actually 3 games to choose from, simulating the need for sound money management with credit, living independently or costs associated with going to the ‘prom.  But behind these are the teacher’s guides with tutorials and resources to assist students to learn the skills necessary to achieve well.  Definitely need to scan through the website thoroughly to know how to navigate successfully. Best to start at “Info”.

Item: Family-at-home Financial Fun Pack
Category: F, E, D
Website: www.councilforeconed.org/family-at-home-financial-fun-pack/
Type: Learning activities, videos, links to Youtube and games
Each pack includes materials for students and their families to use and enjoy on their own. The packs come in four grade bands: K-2, 3-5,6-8, 9-12. The 6-8 pack has material for a unite on careers and budgeting and money management, which activities about saving and investing and insurance.